Thursday, June 5, 2014

We're moving!!!!

So we finalized the paperwork on selling our contract here at Central Park and got all the paperwork in to move into Twin Pines on July 15.  We are so excited.  Our new apartment is a two bedroom with a lot of storage space and a real kitchen.  We're going to slowly get the furniture we need because so far we only have a love-sac and a bookshelf.  We'll be on the second floor, and it's actually the same apartments that our next door neighbors are moving into so we're really hoping we'll all still be in the same ward.

It's been so fun living here.  We've loved having a gym, pool and hot tub at our disposal (not that I use the hot tub to much).  Central Park really works to make this a nice place.  The community kitchen is always clean, the lobby is so pretty (I love the real trees and other plants growing inside), and they just installed two gas barbecues and a gas fire-pit that are awesome!  Also, the fact that we've been living in one room for the past few months has made every other apartment we look at look huge!  We really have enjoyed living here, and we are so excited to be moving on.

We really don't have a lot of other news right now...oh, but I have felt the baby move now!  Just a little, but I felt it.  Next week is Andrew's birthday and a week after we'll know what we're having.  We are so excited to be preparing for the baby and to be moving into a bigger place.  Life is so good right now.  I'm starting to feel consistently well again (I hope it sticks this least for more than a week) and I don't throw up nearly as much as I have been lately (not that anyone wants or needs to know that).  Life is just so wonderful and I just had to share!  We are so happy!!!

That's all for now
~Manda ^^

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