Tuesday, April 22, 2014

February 6th to now

So I have actually written this post countless times and it keeps not working....Lame.

I guess I'll just give a summary of our lives for the past few months and then start blogging a little more regularly.

February 6, 2014
Andrew tried out for the choir that sang in the Priesthood Session of General Conference.  It was a pretty cool audition.  There were hundreds of guys trying out, including my brother, Davis.  Only about 200 got it, so it was a hard audition process.  In the end neither Andrew nor Davis got in.  But it was pretty cool.  (And getting to watch that session of Conference broadcast live on TV was pretty cool too)

February 7, 2014
My amazing husband made one of my favorite Korean dishes as a surprise for when I came home from work.  Although he doesn't like kimchi or tuna he knows I do and made me 김치참치볶음밥 (kimchi-chamchi-boggeum-bap or fried rice with kimchi and tuna).  It was awesome!  And it was seriously one of the sweetest things ever!

February 8, 2014
We finally got pictures of the newest addition to the family, our beta named Captain.  We got him a couple weeks before but I'm not sure of the date and the pics are time-stamped for the 8th, so that's the date I'm going with.  We named him after Captain America (cuz he's the perfect shade of blue) and Captain Nemo (cuz he's a fish that fights ^^) and he's been way fun to have around.  We just love our Captain.

This same night we went mini golfing.  We played a game of mini golf on our first date and by some miracle I got 3 holes in one.  I didn't get any this night, but it was fun to talk about our first date (that, I know, wasn't that long ago) and pretend to be on a boat in a glow in the dark, pirate themed, mini golf course.  Fun date night.

February 10, 2014
I finally "graduated" from the training program at work.  I ended up being the only person in my class to stay for the whole training.  For graduation my trainer gave me a really delicious burger and fries.  After those three weeks I am officially a paralegal for Lexington Law Firm and I sell credit repair.  How exciting.

February 14, 2014
Best. Valentine's. Ever.
But really.  Neither Andrew nor I had ever really had a Valentine before....and I'm okay with that.  I got tulips and a chocolate covered strawberry at work and then I got home and there were balloons, roses, steak, three kinds of chocolate, more strawberries, Martinelli's, and my amazing husband all waiting for me.  Then we got dressed up and went to two different dances and danced till we were totally exhausted.  It was so much fun!  And before you start doubting me, I did give him a few presents too...maybe not as cute, but he'd needed a wallet and gloves, and I got him the gun he'd been wanting, an AR-15 or something like that.  We found a great deal and he loves it!  Totally worth it!

February 19, 2014
We like our Wednesdays.  We both have them off for work and we sometimes go shooting (I like to draw targets ^^).  Here's a video of him taking out his new gun for the first time, before it was sighted in (I think that's what it's called).  It was fun....then we went to Walmart and looked like bunnies ^^

March 5, 2014
Yet another happy Wednesday!  This was the day or so after we found out we were pregnant and so this was my first doctor's appointment and the day I threw up in the middle of Walmart....in a bag.  Oh morning sickness.....I really don't like you.

March 26, 2014
Another Wednesday.  We went to go visit Grandma and Grandpa but they weren't there so we just hung out at there place for a while before going home.  They told us we should eat when we go over there, but the only thing that sounded even remotely appetizing was string cheese, Gushers, and Fruit by the Foot....so that's all we ate.

April 1 (or so), 2014
Andrew officially got a job at Pizza Hut!  He's so cute in his uniform.  He's training to be a Shift Manager, but has to start as a cook and driver first.  He's doing really well at his job, which is such a blessing (like OH MY GOODNESS a blessing!) He doesn't love working with a bunch of high school girls, but he really likes the management.  It's been great!

April 2, 2014
First official picture of Gummybear Hubbard.  I still can't get over what a great picture it is.  You can see the little arm and legs and everything.  And it was totally dancing around and stretching.  Ultrasounds are so cool.  I didn't realize how awesome it was going to be till I saw it.  This appointment was around when I was throwing up a few times a day....That's when it all started really affecting my work.  Not a happy ending...but I'll get to that later.

April 4-6, 2014
So there aren't a ton of pictures lately due to how I've been feeling.  But I'm getting better, so hopefully I'll be getting more pictures in the near future.  But this is when we got our car!!!!  We got it Friday night, went down to Provo to see old friends, watched Saturday morning conference with my old roommate and her husband, drove to Salt Lake, watched the afternoon session with family, went to Ogden (I think) after priesthood session and spent Sunday with my old companion and her roommate and roommate's family.  It was such a great weekend....and I didn't throw up till we got home Sunday night ^^

April 11, 2014
A dark day for our little Hubbard family....I lost my job.  Something about running to go throw up in the middle of calls and gagging on the phone just really make selling credit repair rather difficult.  It was a good experience (not the job losing).  But the people I worked with are great and my supervisors looked into every avenue to try and keep me.  They appreciated that I'm a hard worker who came in and did my best everyday, and they were sad to see me go.  They both offered to be references and write letters of recommendation to help me find a new job.  That hunt has been fun...job hunts always are.  I haven't found anything yet, but I'm working on it.  I've had a few interviews, so that's good.  And if anyone reading this hears of anything hiring, definitely let me know ^^

April 19, 2014
This was our muddiest adventure yet.  If you follow me on instagram, you've already seen the pictures.  But here's the story.  Andrew, Davis, and I wanted to go see the family ranch up in Island Park.  Davis offered to drive.  So we drove and drove till we got there.  It was fun, there was talking, singing, and an over all good time.  Well, we got there and started in toward the ranch.  At the sight of all the water we all thought we'd probably get stuck and that we may not have thought this adventure through completely.  Soon Davis said, "I think I'm gonna get stuck".  And sure enough, not 5 seconds later, we were super stuck in the mud.  We tried and tried to get out but to no avail.  So we called Grandpa to see if he could help us or knew of anyone nearby that could.  Grandma and Grandpa started on there way to help us.  And since we could already hear their chuckles about us city slickers being dumb enough to try to drive a little car through all the mud, we started trying to get out again.  We used whatever we could find in the car to give us traction, mainly some old shoes and a sweatshirt that were on their way to DI.  Long story short, nothing worked.  But then a kind couple saw us and they had a big pick-up and a tow rope and helped us out.  Then we drove home...we didn't see the cabin, Andrew didn't shoot anything, and yet, it was still a pretty fun adventure.

April 21, 2014
As of yesterday Andrew and I have been married for 4 months.  It's been pretty fantastic.  We've had innumerable blessings and a couple little set backs.  He's in school now and I'm still looking for a job.  We have another doctor's appointment for the baby in about a week, and we're thinking our little gummy bear is doing pretty healthy.  In celebration of how great life has been and because it was Family Night, we went and saw Captain America last night.  It was awesome!  It was a great treat and it was topped off with us getting to spend some time with Andrew's best friend, Chase.  He's pretty cool and I'm glad Andrew gets to be living so close to such a good friend.

Over all, life is great.  No complaints.  Things are going really well.  I love my husband, my little tiny, unborn marshmallow baby and my life.  And I'm going to try to let y'all know a little bit more and more regularly what's going on!

Stay Awesome!

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